As part of our drive to discover new initiatiaves and to meet the many companies that support the can-making sector, this week CAN-FIND invited the innovative new safety training company Self-SAFE, to tell our audience a little more about why Self-SAFE will change how all companies think about safety:
![self-safe logo self-safe logo]()
"Safety remains the number one priority for can-making companies all over the world and over the last 20 years, behavioural safety has become the most popular safety theme across the industry. Every year, vast sums of money are invested in training employees how to behave safely at work, yet accidents continue to happen.
At Self-SAFE we find it strange that many companies jump straight into behavioural safety without really understanding what drives employee behaviour.... So we take a unique approach to safety which focuses on exactly that. We use the proven principles of psychology - That the way we think affects the way we feel and these emotions then influence how we behave. Without truly understanding that psychology, lots of traditional behavioural safety training often fails.
At Self-SAFE we teach how “thinking differently” can transform behaviour, creating self-leaders who are not only safer in the workplace, but more engaged and effective. The mind-set of employees must be right because with lots of individual equipment & razor sharp tinplate & aluminium, its so easy in can-making to have needless accidents. We always pre-audit a site and always aim to dovetail with your existing safety programs. Our results in the packaging sector are very positive and we encourage anyone thinking about improving safety to get in touch with us"
Discover more about Self-SAFE at